Munchies: Homemade Non-Fried Snacks


The best snacks are the ones that you've made yourself. And the process is just as simple, quick and easy as you'd think.

What is Foodcloud?

FoodCloud is a food sharing app that helps reduce the amount of good food going to waste. It's changing how we think and talk about leftover food and giving people and business a simple way to Order Homemade Non Fried Snacks.

Why is Foodcloud different from other meal delivery services?

What sets FoodCloud apart is the fact that it's focused on fresh, local ingredients and ingredients sourced from Ireland. The company also avoids producing buy homemade non fried snacks food waste due to their extensive surplus management program.

How does it work?

order non fried snacks in a food processor for about 30 seconds. If it's too dry, add some water or almond milk. The dough should be nice and gooey.

Reviews of Foodcloud

Foodcloud is an app that connects companies who have surplus food with people looking to donate some of their spare food. Foodcloud is an Irish start-up that allows people to donate unwanted food (usually surplus or foods nearing their sell-by date) to charity instead of throwing them away. Foodcloud has the potential to revolutionize our attitude towards wasting food.


In conclusion, baking is a great way to make your own snacks. It makes it easier for you to eat healthier and you can control the ingredients that go into it. Plus, you end up with a delicious snack that is filling and tastes better than anything you could buy at the store.


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